With a delivery from Fotodiox.com, I am able to attach the 1986 Russian Kaleinar 150mm/f2.8 lens to my 5DmkIII and get some wonderful shots of a Charleston, SC based band, Bullets Benign, in action. While this lens is heavy, the weight helps with stability when using a shutter speed that is below the focal length. It, of course, down not have image stabilization. The adapter has a focus confirmation chip which works very well but the lens itself is still manual focus.
Photographing Music
With a delivery from Fotodiox.com, I am able to attach the 1986 Russian Kaleinar 150mm/f2.8 lens to my 5DmkIII and get some wonderful shots of a Charleston, SC based band, Bullets Benign, in action. While this lens is heavy, the weight helps with stability when using a shutter speed that is below the focal length. It, of course, down not have image stabilization. The adapter has a focus confirmation chip which works very well but the lens itself is still manual focus.