Time Travel With Mamiya

For Christmas, a family friend surprised me with a semi-rare 1982 35mm Mamiya ZE-2.  They gave me 3 original lenses: 28mm f2.8, 50mm f2.0, and 80-205mm f4.5 macro… AND the …

Irvin House Vineyards

A little vineyard with big ideas and a lot of heart.  Located on Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina, Irvin House Vineyards creates a product from what grows there best… muscadine grapes.  Here …

Cru Catering

It is always a great idea for a company to pull back the curtain and show the public what goes on behind the scenes of your company.  And what better …

Spice Up Your Holiday

A photo shoot for a magazine led me to the most extraordinary family:  the home of John and Mary Caroline Rhea.  It is also where Charleston Original Sauces was formed. …